Meet Michele

Michele serves as the Clinical Director for Common Well. Within this role, she is primarily responsible for administrating and supervising our clinicians as they provide affordable mental health care at our various locations in Orange county and LA county. Outside of her role at Common Well, Michele also has a private practice in Orange county where she treats clients, primarily with EMDR and other trauma-focused interventions.

Meet JD

JD serves as the Director of Community Engagement and Partnership for Common Well. Within this role, JD is our ‘forward face’ who works to connect the organization to local entities for the purpose of partnering and equipping. JD is also a spiritual director and leadership coach who enjoys strengthening and equipping leadership teams to best serve their populations. 

In her free time Michele likes to be at the beach, reading books, walking her miniature poodle and hanging out with her three teenage kids. (These three are also JD’s three teenage kids – and they’re pretty rad!)

In his spare time, JD can be found in a deer stand during hunting season, or on Brea’s local high school football field coaching their offensive linemen. On his day off, he is often paddling out at Dana Point or skiing Big Bear.