Part of Common Well’s offerings include trainings, workshops, and retreats. Beyond our impactful individual and clinical services, our team is poised to lead tailored experiences designed to cultivate a strengthening and equipping experience for your unique team or group . Please fill out this form below to share your vision and select the type of equipping you are interested in, and we'll collaborate with you to craft a customized  experience for your community.

Retreats & Intensives


  • The Father's Heart

    [ Format: Retreat ]

    The Father’s Heart Retreat is a soul care retreat focused on returning home to the place that we were always meant to be in the presence of our heavenly father.

    The Parable of the Prodigal Son from the Gospel of Luke chapter 15 serves as our road map for our time together. In addition our journey will be accompanied by different passages of scripture, exercises, and authors and will include a focus on  Henri Nouwen’s book The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming.

  • Healthy & Holy Marriage

    [ Format: Retreat ]

    Healthy and Holy Marriage is a marriage retreat that helps couples understand how their unique origin stories and environments of childhood and adolescence may be having impact in their current marriage dynamics. Through understanding each other’s attachment style and learning how to apply the gospel to our marriages, we can work toward a secure attachment in Christ and with one another in a Healthy and Holy in Marriage.

  • Leadership Intensive

    [ Format: Intensive ]

    The Leadership Intensive is a deep dive, one-on-one or small group, multi-session experience designed to help you start down the path to becoming a healthy and multiplying leader. The six sessions create building blocks based on your Story, your Voice, Choice, Rhythm, and Relationships, all with a final Game Plan for continued transformation and health.

  • Adventure Intensive

    [ Format: Intensive ]

    The Adventure Intensive takes the above Leadership Intensive out into the wild. Experience this transformational journey while backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail, camping in Joshua Tree, or deep sea fishing for Bluefin Tuna.